Hi there, blog how are, you? Today, it was quite windy. In fact, it was very quite lots windy dollar sign. and so. I stepped outside to relieve myself. with the wind of course. as scientifically the wind should carry my $$$ safely away into the pasture. Unfortunately, due to the multiple wind vortexes created inside the ground of the meter station I was at ( work ) the odd colored water took on a different..much more sinister path. Slowly ( surely ) I attempted to remove myself from it's path. Such movements did nothing. No..my pain..agony..self embarrassment..remained. I digress. and when I learn what that word means , I'll digress again. I systematically orchestrated my own demise by trusting the winds direction. This one small mistake...this one small decision..to leave myself at natures mercy..has taken me on an entirely different life course. I will not ever put my trust into this worlds.....this planets eco-system. If only the planet could hear my plea : I AM HERE TO HELP !!!! I try my best on a daily basis to promote safe, alternative energy systems...promote new social systems, help everyone and anyone I can...and what happens???????
The wind changes. not just in a different lateral direction but a complete shift on the y axis. and thus...
i piss in my own face.