Monday, 6 February 2012

the system is down

I have not blogged of late. Late I am of blogging. Too much fizzle inside my head. Too much ramblings, not escaping. I don't know what to make of it all. Tired of the nonsense in the news. The live this and live that. lihve. pronounced lihhhhve. It's simple really. My job...sometimes...requires me to analyze things. Have a problemo? Analyze it. Follow the inputs and outputs. First you need to know the goal of the system. What's it's end game? What is it trying to do? Then you check your ins and outs. Whats working, whats not. Check your current efficiency. And so i digress. as my friend Leeorto would say. Our monetary system...goal ? Lets make it easy and say.....provide us with the means to get what we need to and shelter. Basics. I'm pretty sure this system is used worldwide. I don't think you'd disagree if I set it's completely fubar. FUBAR. if you don't know what that stands for. Google it. or something. or ask your boss. then urinate on him. back to the point. Some global stats......something like billion don't have enough to eat. 1.4 billion live for under 1.25 a day. 1.7 billion have no access to clean water. I got these from .  SO I"m not some statomatic ok back off. and stuff. Anyways. Pretty F$%^ing inefficient. Especially, and i mean it when i write that word, when we have the full, absolute ability to feed and house them all. Yesterday. Why don't we? Because they don't live here do they. No our lovely system of competition has taught us that if you finish first you rock, those who lose, well who gives a shit I'm numba one !!! and hell, you deserve it. you really do. it's not your fault, it's theirs. damn this sounded better in my head. Our little lovely money system is useless. not needed anymore. it thrives on scarcity. we live in abundance. Everything we possibly need we can create in abundance right now, worldwide. But we cling to our national borders. let them sort out their own problems right? Bull. we are all human, and we all have to share this little blue earth. We need to let go of what the tv tells us is important. like Martin luther king said...we need to stop being a "thing" oriented society, and start being a "people" oriented society. I have way more to say but i find it very difficult to write. i'll tell you this much, its a great feeling when you can't be bought by the media. only then can you really start to think about what's truly important in life. family, friends and every single other living being on this earth. every plant and animal. everything. not the fastest car. not the biggest house. not the trendiest jeans. YOU ARE NOT YOUR FUCKING KHAKIS. we are all just products of our environments. maybe we should check out what our social environment is doing to us. maybe this isn't the way to be. seacrest out.

youtube - human the film ---ps i went to florida for a tour, ready to go again if anyone wants to come