Monday 30 May 2011

Are you ever going to blog again?

The short answer is no. The long answer? This blog. I'll answer you, my sister Deena, whoeth asketh me whether or not a future blog would exist on the interweb. Well a nice long adventure in the Eurolands ended last week. Ironic that the volcanic lava spewing on my blog page actually made my trip a tad ( ARM AND LEG ) more expensive as the volcanic ash from some asshole volcano in Iceland ( actually green ) flew it's way into MY AIRSPACE. How selfish is that? Flight patterns were askew. bahaha. ASS kew. Nethertheless , that's actually three words. Never, the , less I made it home safe and sound. The trip - a great journey. My sisters and I had a joyous time of wandering about the Highlands in Scotland for a week before they were packed into human suitcases and flown back to the west via fast flying device. I stayed on for two more days in Glasgow doing nothing but wandering and contemplating..what you ask? No, that's a lie, no one asked me what I was contemplating, in fact I didn't ( DID NOT) do much contemplating at all. Just a facade you see, a writers ...lie. What the F am I talking about. Anyhow after Scotland I trained down to London (ENGLAND) APPLESAUCE. it was merry and I was fruitful. I hired a tour guide ( Josh Simair ) and he was a great help and merry guide. After 4 days or so in Londonium i sailed to Spain to spend the rest of the time rock climbing camping canyoning starship enterprising and drinking. Grape times. Had by all. mostly me. AND YOU my friend. Deaner just walked in and, he asked me if i had got half a hair cut, he swore and said he wished he wasnt so short. this means i have to work now. ok see you friends, watch out for west nile.

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