Wednesday 13 April 2011

in response to my subsequent tailored birth of day

Hello All, you are my pants. haha. hahaha. so funny . how are you ? everyone? how are you everyone? today more like yesterday or if you will the day after two days ago, was my day of birth for the 26th time in so many years. It was magical. there was ( were ) bunnies and toads and magical creatures from the nether. by nether meaning ( never ) happened and such things are foremost mentioned by Tom Sellecks Mustache ( facebook group) . More seriously now, it was my birthday and it was grand. I celebrated on the weekend with my family in Edmanteen. and it was grand. A great fantastic weekend of visiting with my familia. Waterslides and hockey games. much fun. long drive home and home I was. 26 has been determined ( by me and a jury of my peers ) to be a devilish age of no fun and no candy for ANYONE. It's an ugly number, foreshadowing maturity and more life responsibility. NOBODY LIKES A 26 YEAR OLD. because I am neither young nor old. I'm squeemish. red line all over that word. But I'm still happy, where has the time gone? I'll tell you where it went : Florida, key west and the dominican republic of antartica. red line. So what will I do wonders the reader? I will venture forth into the unknown, in a truck ( chosen by my peers ) to a destination of wild imagination and fourteen previously convicted fellons ( Regina ) these fellons and I will talk about life. and their previous charges ( sarcasm ) train of thought, lost, lost in translation, I was interrupted by a molecular person who was asking me a work related question, I do not know what I said to him, you cannot bother me whilst I'm writing...I can't do more then one thing at a time . wait more talking --- Deaner and I , one time adventure. tigers won last night, i got tickets for tnight do ya? you lucky bugger red deer is gonna come out swinging tnight ya? red deer 3-1 eh? who ah who was in net for uh.the tigers./tyler buns..well he was hurt but he just got back who played the first two oh buns played but OH MY GOD I CAN"T KEEP UP TO THESE GUYS. I better go..I'm not at work . REMEMBER THAT FOR THE COURT HEARING ( is it spelt hearing ? for court? ok i'm out like trout, love, much ants. peanuts. APPle jacks. see you all soon. go tigers?

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