Tuesday 8 March 2011

Hoy es Miercoles, ocho de marzo

Well I've finally sat down after a long weekend to blogify my feelings on current events. The weekend was I spent fernie in. the. I spent Fernie in weekend mountain. haha wait I have an awesome idea...stag a on Fernie in weekend spent I. You can't tell how long it took me to write that, but I fell over and had a few convulsions before I could finish. While I was convulsing the maid walked in ( I'm in Lethbridge for work ) and we shook hands and came to an agreement : ( wait ...that looks like a sad face, it's really a colon, then parentheses, where I was going to explain that I'm in a hotel, which is why there is a maid. And now we come round to what I was beginning to say in the sentence just previous to this one ) do I have to close those now ? I think so. So. so so. What the hell was I talking about oh yes the maid. She was in here. Cleaning I presume. I assume to presume the maid was in here cleaning and convulsing was I on the floor when we agreed that four kangaroos are just enough to lift me from my current convulsing state to a more thoughtful sitting pose. The stag was fun by the way if you were wondering. I have all appendages..I think that means body parts, and they are attached. Dangly parts. hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa. But yes much fun was had by all. I ran into a fellow from Prince Albert I believe his name was Graham Kaptein. He got kicked off the hill for snowboarding IN THE DANGER ZONE. I can only be lead to believe this danger zone had furry yetis trolloping about. And then we came home. Battered from excessive drinking, bruised from falling on my anus. I'm stuck in Lethbridge for the week or until tomorrow or I really don't know when I'll go back because. HAHA suckers thought I was going to write a complete sentence then BOOM movie quote or some such nonsense. Alright I've had enough. Until next time - deleted.


  1. i remember that guy

  2. Maybe if I eat enough cereal I'll find the Rob blog decoder ring eventually...
